Saturday, January 7, 2012


Described as the most amazing species of all by the BBC... we have long considered ourselves the masters of our own realm and by all accounts its a realm with no known boundaries. No matter what this world throws at us man will always prevail... we reign supreme over terrain, climate or even another species... man is the apex of all consciousness. That's how we see it... but the reality is man can only control man... and not doing so has led us to this point...If we can't or won't control ourselves... every other species will pay the price of our arrogance and be the cost of our ignorance. The following documentary shows our understanding of the so called HUMAN PLANET with comprehensive explanations about the role other species play in our survival.

Stunning documentary... see more
I believe you can learn a lot about how man sees the world... by taking a look at how man see's himself. Many indigenous cultures all over the world reflect there environment in their artwork and themselves. The land, climate, birds and animals feature in both their traditional costume and/or their personal adornments. They become symbols of spiritual power or physical prowess. Have a look at some of these mask from around the ancient world. They are so cool and really inspirational... plus it shows that no matter what colour, shape or size... we all have 2 eyes, 1 nose and 1 mouth... he iwi kotahi tatou (we are one people)... HUMAN.

Tau mai te mauri... tau mai te marama... tau mai mohio