Friday, December 20, 2013


Everyone from the coast should know... there's ONLY 5 names linking Porourangi and Paikea (including the 2 we just used). Indeed there are only 3 more names to ADD and you have the basis of your east coast whakapapa... thus linking the Whale-rider with the seed of Ngati Porou whanui. It's a male line (father to son, father to son) and its the focal point of any whakapapa to the TAIRAWHITI. 
IF YOU WANT TO LEARN.. start here >>> >>> >>>
Anyone who claims to be Ngati Porou... shares this core whakapapa... because it's the whakapapa of Porourangi himself. It's the Ure Pukaka... or senior male line... (eldest son to eldest son - please note Pouheni is the eldest son of Hamoterangi but he's not Paikea's eldest.Heres the 5 names... see if you can learn these 5. .. and build your knowledge from there.

Of course anyone who claims to be Ngai Tahu/Kai Tahu shares the same whakapapa... as Tahu and Porourangi are brothers and have equal conection to Paikea. And those connections travel far and wide across the motu... even to the Kawai-Ariki of Tainui.
Heres the 5 names... see if you can learn these 5. .. and build your knowledge from there.

If you learn these 5 names till you can recite them backwards... you can then add more names. It's another 4 names to Kahungunu, 4 names to Rongowhakaata, 4 names to Tamanuhiri, 5 names to Hauiti and Taua, 6 names to Mahaki and Rakaipaaka... Slowly but surely you build up your knowledge... and on average it's about 25 generations from ourselves to Paikea and every generation you can fill bridges that gap in your understanding
Every journey starts with a single step

The whakapapa to Paikea spreads all over the motu... the following iwi connect to the whakapapa above... Ngati Porou (of course) Ngai Tahu, Rongowhakaata, Ngai Tamanuhiri, Te Aitanga-a-Hauiti, Te Aitanga-a-Mahaki, Te Whanau-a-Apanui, Whakatohea, Ngati Ranginui, Ngati Rakaipaaka, Ngati Kahungunu, Tainui, Raukawa, Ngati Toa, Ngati Kahu, Ngati Tuhourangi... and many more

P.S. everyone knows"Paikea" is the national anthem of the east coast...and everyone joins when ever it's sung... have a listen to it and remember he's the great, great grandfather of Porourangi. He lived about 80 years before him.

Maurioa I'll be adding to the whakapapa above in future posts

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