Friday, December 27, 2013


Invest in the future... plant a fruit tree

My dad built our house in my grandmothers orchard... we had all sorts of fruit all around the house when I was growing up. Apricots... apples ... 3-4 plum varieties... 3-4 peach varieties... oranges... lemons... grapes... walnuts... pears... locots... feijoas... fruit everywhere... To my nan Takatohiwi... it was kai... an investment in the future... her koha to her growing whanau. Nan had many children... my dad being the eldest son. For every child she had... she'd plant a tree on top of the placenta... and dedicate the tree to that child. 

My dad was the pear tree... and with each child the outdoor pantry was enlarged cos nan beleived in planting fruit trees... that was important... The entire extended whanau enjoyed the fruits of her investment... all through my generation... and the next. Of course...all foods were important to nan... like puha... karengo... kai moana... kai maori... too much my nan... nothing went to waste with her... and pretty fiesty too... 

I remember going to get puha with her... sometimes she'd be having a full-on discussion with the wind... like WHO ARE YOU... WHAT YOU WANT... HAERE ATU... GO ON GET... of course the wind never ever answered back... TE PAE MAUMAHARA... MAURIORA WHANAU

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